Our aim is to provide our customers management systems that provide a safe working environment and manage any potential and actual risks to their health in their day-to-day business. Our consultancy services ensure that you will;

  • Comply with applicable national and local laws, regulations and codes of best practice regarding occupational health and safety.
  • Establish occupational health and safety programs in accordance with the BSOHSAS 18001; 2007 standard and other international benchmarks for health and safety applicable to the business.
  • Identify health and safety risks in the workplace and striving to control and mitigate such risks to achieve continual improvement in our health and safety performance.
  • Develop specific systems, practices and procedures to prevent accidents and if they occur, to manage them responsibly and carefully investigate the causes with the aim of introducing measures to prevent them recurring.
  • Assist organizations in setting measurable objectives on health and safety, carry out periodic reviews of our health and safety practices and performance to guide their continual improvement and development.
  • Analyse and audit the performance of our customers’ contractor’s health and safety perspective and considering the health and safety record of such parties as a part of their selection criteria.
  • Share our health and safety knowledge and good practice.

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You can book an appointment online by clicking on the button where we will email you on when you can come physically to the facility.

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Crystallab Pathologists is an institution that offers a wide range of specialist services, diagnostic services and treatments backed by a set of key specialist services tailor-made to match individual patient profile.

Address: Nairobi, UpperHill, Hospital Road, Fortis Suites, 5th Floor, Suite 505